Flora & Fauna at Bandhavgarh Prem Swaroop 02/03/2022

Flora & Fauna in Bandhavgarh

Flora in Bandhavgarh National Park

  • Sal (Shorea robusta),
  • Saj (Terminalia tomentosa),
  • Dhaora (Anogeissus latifolia),
  • Tendu (Diospyros melanoxylon),
  • Arjun (Terminalia arjuna),
  • Amla (Emblica officinalis),
  • Palas (Butea monosperma),
  • Salai (Boswellia serrata),
  • Bhirra (Chloroxylon sweitenia),
  • Camar (Gmelina arborea),
  • Dhaman (Grewia tilifolia),
  • Mango (Mangifera indica),
  • Jamun (Syzygium Cumini),
  • Bamboo (Dendrocalamus Strictus),etc.
tigers walking in bandhavgarh

Fauna in Bandhavgarh National Park

Chinkara, still rather shy, can be sighted on the grassland areas of the park, particularly on the formerly cultivated land in the southern extension area on the edges of the main viewing area. The main prey animal, however for the Tigers and the park’s rarely sighted leopards are the chital, which now number a few thousand.

Also to be seen in the grasslands are Nilgai, Chausingha and sounders of Wild Boar, as well as the occasional Jackal or Fox. Muntjac and sambhar prefer denser vegetation. There are two types of monkeys common in the park-the rhesus macaque and the black faced langur. ;Drives can also reveal jungle cats, hyenas, ratels, porcupines and a variety of other mammals.

Bandhavgarh attracts many migratory birds in the winter months, including the birds of prey like the steppe eagle and a variety of wildfowl.

However as it has limited water surfaces it cannot compete with parks with large areas of wetland. Attracted by flowering and fruiting trees, some; very attractive and less common birds can be seen – like the blue bearded bee eater, white bellied drongo, Tickell’s blue flycatcher, white browed fantail, minivets, white Malabar hornbills and wood shrikes. Other fruiting trees reveal a large population of green pigeons, the noisy blossom headed parakeets.

Read more on our Bandhavgarh Travel Guide.

Reptiles and Butterflies

Unfortunately, there has been little work done on some important aspects of the park’s fauna such as the reptiles, amphibians and insects generally. What follows is a hodge – podge of the very patchy identification work done on a few reptiles, butter – flies and a couple of spiders. It is to be hoped that this will provoke those knowledgeable in these particular areas to help fill these rather large gap.


1. Indian Mud or Flap- shell Turtle
Lissemys punctata

2. Northern House Gecko
Hemidactylus flaviviridis

3. Fat – tailed Gecko
Eublepharis macularius

4. Common Garden Lizarde
Calotes versicolor

5. Forest calotes
Calotes rouxi

6. Common Skink
Mabuya carinata

7. Common Indian Monitor
Varanus bengalensis

8. Indian Python
Python Molurus

9. Dhaman or common Rat Snake
Ptyas mucosus

10. Common Wolf Snake
Lycodon aulicus

11. Buffstriped Keelback
Amphiesma stolata

12. Common Green Whip Snake
Ahaetulla nasutus

13. Common indian Krait
Bungarus caeruleus

14. Indian Cobra
Naja naja

15. Russell’s Viper
Vipera russelli.

spotted deer in bandhavgarh


Again not much is known bout them. The best times for them are late June to early July, September -October and late November, although different species are seen throughout the year.

GroupSpeciesPreferred Habitat
SwallowtailsCommon Rose
(Pachliopta aristolochiae)
Weed Grassland/Open Wood
 Crimson Rose
(Pachliopta hecto)
” ” ” “
 Lime Yelow Butterfly
Weed Grassland
 Common Mormon
(Papilio polytes)
Weed Grassland
Whites &YellowsCommon Jezebel
(Delias Eucharis)
Weed Grassland
 Yellow Orange Tip
(lxias pyrene)
Open Woodland
 Common Emigrant
Weed Grassland
 Common Grass Yellow
(Eurema hecabe)
Weed Grassland
BluesZebra Blue
(Syntarucus plinius)
Weed Grassland
 Pale Grass Blue
(Zezeeria maha)
Open Wood / Weed Grassland
 Gram Blue
(Euchrysops Cnejus)
Weed Grassland
 Common Silverline
(Spindosis vulcanus)
Open Wood / Weed Grassland
 Plum Juay
(Abisara echerius)
Dense Wookland
Milkweed ButterfliesPlain Tiger
(Danaus chrysippus)
Grassland/Open Woodland
 Striped Tiger
(Danaus genutia)
Grassland/Open Woodland
 Glassy Tiger
(Parantica aglea)
Grassland/Open Woodland
 Common Crow
(Euploea core)
Weed Grassland/Open wood
BrownsCommon Evening Brown
(Melanites leda)
Dense Wookland
NymphalidsAngled Castor
(Ariadne ariadne)
Open Woodland
 Common Leopard
(Phalanta phalantha)
Weed Grassland/Open Wood
 Lemon Pansy
(Junonia lemonias)
Weed Grassland/Open Wood
 Yellow Pansy
(Junonia hierta)
Weed Grassland/Open Wood
 Peacock Pansy
(Junonia almana)
Weed Grassland/Open Wood
 Chocolate Pansy
(Precis iphita)
Weed Grassland/Open Wood
 Blue Pansy
(Junonia orithya)
Open Woodland Part NearWater
 Grey Pansy
(Junonia atlites)
Marshy Grassland
 Danaid Eggfly
(Hylpolimnas missipus)
Open Woodland/Weed Grass
 Blue Oakleaf
(Kallima horsfieldi)
Dense Forest
 Common Sailor
(Neptis hylas)
Weed Grassland/Open wood
(Synphaedra nais)
Weed Grassland/Open Wood
Dense wood
 Tawny Costor
(Acraea terpsicore)
Weed Grassland/ Open Wood/Dense Woodland
SkippersIndian Grass Demon
(Udaspes folus)
Weed Grassland


butterfly in bandhavgarh

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