Reaching Bandhavgarh National Park Prem Swaroop 02/03/2022

Reaching Bandhavgarh National Park

Reaching Bandhavgarh By Air

Jabalpur & Khajuraho are the nearest airports to Bandhavgarh, Daily flights from New Delhi.

Reaching Bandhavgarh By Road

Reaching Bandhavgarh By Train

Trains from New Delhi – Kalinga Utkal Express 8478 Dn leaves Hazrat Nizamuddin at 1250hrs and reaches Umaria next day at 0630hrs, this town is only 32kms away and it takes 45 minutes to get to Bandhavgarh. We will organize the pick up in a car. The client reaches the resort, has a quick breakfast and can rush for the morning safari. The same train leaves for Delhi at 1940hrs from Umaria and reaches Delhi at 1315hrs next day. Hence this is very convenient to do the evening safari and then board the train. We will organize for the packed Dinner. Infact if you wish the same train can also be boarded from Agra at 1600 hrs and reaches Umaria at 0630hrs next day.

Gondwana Express train no 2412 leaves Hazrat Nizamuddin at 1430hrs and reaches Katni at 0350hrs. This town is 95kms from Bandhavgarh and it takes 2.5 hours to get to Bandhavgarh. We organize for the station pick up. This train has 1st A.C. sleeper. Again the same train can be boarded from Agra at 1657hrs and reaches Katni at 0350hrs. The same train leaves Katni at 1715hrs for Delhi and reaches Nizamuddin at 0720hrs.

Trains from Varanasi
 Mahanagri Express, Train No 1094, leaves Varanasi at 1130hrs and reaches Katni at 1923 hrs, same train leaves Katni at 1800hrs to reach Varanasi at 0400hrs.
 Varanasi Pune Express, Train No 1032, leaves Varanasi at 0400hrs and reaches Katni at 1205hrs, same train leaves Katni at 1055hrs to reach Varanasi at 2115hrs
 Darbhanga LTT Express Train No 5220/5218 leaves Varanasi at 2257 hrs and reaches Katni at 0800hrs.
 Pawan Express Train no 5219 leaves Katni at 0510hrs to reach Varanasi at 1440hrs.

Trains from Mumbai
 Mumbai – Howrah mail 3004 Dn till Katni, departs Mumbai at 2110hrs and reaches Katni at 1510hrs. From Katni Bandhavgarh is 95kms, we organize for pick up, it takes 2hrs.
 Mumbai Varanasi Mahanagri Express 1093 Dn leaves Mumbai CST at 2355hrs and reaches Katni at 1755hrs.
 Lokmanya Tilak Patna Express 3202 Dn leaves Lokmanya Tilak at 2110hrs and reaches Katni at 1732hrs

Trains from Calcutta
 Howrah Indore Shipra Express 9306 Dn leaves Howrah at 1515hrs and reaches Satna at 1005hrs or Katni at 1155hrs. Return it leaves Katni at 1010hrs and reaches Howrah at 0630hrs next day
 Howrah Mumbai Mail 2321 Dn leaves Howrah at 2200hrs and reaches Katni at 1557hrs, on return 2322 Up leaves Katni at 1500hrs and reaches Howrah at 1125hrs
 Howrah Jabalpur Shaktipunj Express 1448 Dn reaches Katni at 1610hrs

From Bangalore to Jhansi to Bandhavgarh
 Swarna Jayanti Train No 6217 departing Bangalore at 1945, arriving Jhansi at 1425hrs, or
 Kongu Express Train No 2647, departing Bangalore at 2315hrs and arriving Jhansi at 1027hrs,
 From Jhansi they can take Kalinga Utkal Express 8478 Down leaving Jhansi 1925hrs and arriving Umaria at 0618hrs next day morning. Umaria is only 32kms from Bandhavgarh. We will organize a pick up for them.

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